Retaining those Restless Millennial’s

Retaining those Restless Millennial’s

Considering millennial’s as the largest generation in the workforce, it’s necessary to find ways to nail the corporate culture since today’s corporate teams are mostly made up of millennial’s.

The millenary wants a strong culture where a company’s values and visions are clearly demonstrated and the work environment is fun.

But to keep these youngest workers from moving on before they fulfil their professional potential, here are following ways to entice the newest, biggest generation of workers to stick with your organization for the rewarding challenges it offers.

Make them engage in purposeful work that hit a larger goal:

Engaging in meaningful work is the foremost priority of millennials. JD is what entices the workforce so it’s important to take a hard look at the job description; process-oriented work is most likely to gain attention for a long time.  Money isn’t the only thing driving force rather the work has to be meaningful. It is imperative for organizations to make sure to tie their job into the big picture and help the company fulfill its goals.

Offer transparent & performance-based pay:

These Millennial’s, like other generations are money-motivated, They expect to be fairly compensated, and they grew up with much more access to salary information – on the Internet and through their peers — than earlier generations had.

To retain these Millennial’s, companies need to move away from seniority-based, work-with-the-middle-of-pack approach, and individualize compensation,

and if you want Millennials to stay with your company, never stop offering them, performance based pay and opportunities to add more value and receive greater compensation in return.

Set a pace for rewards.

Millennia’s need to feel that they’re progressing in their field of work; they expect re-enforcement and spot bonuses. They expect to progress through titles and quickly to begin accommodating these preferences with blowing payroll.

Considering bonus strategy — Instead of giving a 3 percent annual raise — Provide a 1 percent increase every four months.

Proving the right Benefits and flexibility in job:

Office culture that promotes work-life balance (the norm these days) as the young generation respond positively to work flexibility. Due to the gig economy, the conventional 9-5 work is no longer the norm. It also encourages creativity and innovation.

To sum up, have an open door policy (sounds cliché but hardly practiced) which gives employees a sense of inclusiveness. Also, companies need to look beyond the ‘millennial’ reputation as job hoppers and focus more on their potential.

Providing guidance and creating opportunities for career development:

Millennial’s prefer bosses or managers who can coach them, guide them and at the same time give them trust and freedom to work on their own manner. And this requires clear disciplined communication, a mix of educational and motivational steps and apt mentor ship. Their skills set system allowing employees to get certified and attain a pay hike accordingly.

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The Top Benefits of a Temp-to-Hire Strategy

The Top Benefits of a Temp-to-Hire Strategy

There are always certain vacancies in every organization for which employers are not sure whether to hire a permanent employee or not. This dilemma can be resolved by Temp-to-hire services.

The growing trend for employers in recent years has been to use staffing services to fill their open position through a temp-to-permanent or temp-to-hire strategy. The benefit to the employer is the opportunity to test-drive the relationship between the candidate and his job role before making the full-time commitment to him.

Temp-to-hire position is something where the job candidate is typically paid on an hourly rate for specified contract duration. Following that contract duration, the employer of the company or the end client that has hired the candidate has the option to convert him/her as a permanent employee.

In most of the cases, there are 3, 6, 9 or maybe 12 months temp-to-hires, 3-6 months being the most common contract duration.

With the help of Temp to hire services, it’s easier for the clients to test and judge the capability of the candidate. By doing this, the clients can get the right match to the position, by observing and testing the needful skills and qualities of the candidate.

Here are few advantages of temp-to-hire services in the perception of the job-seeker:

Generate Income

Whether you are between successes or embarking on different ventures such as looking at starting a Business, having a contract can sometimes generate immediate income for you in a short term.

Try Before Buy

Buy taking on temp to hire opportunity, you can work for an organization and see if you enjoy the work culture, the team, the work before you actually look at potentially working for this employer on a full-time basis.

Foot in the Door

This role may end up going permanent. So it’s a great way to get your foot in the door with an organization.

Keep Experience

You keep your experience relevant and current by taking on a contract opportunity.

Add experience

You can increase your experience and knowledge base in a particular area. This will be especially true to new comers in a country or to people who are looking to make a complete carrier change.

May Pay more

Typically with contracting, the employers pay a bit more. The reason for this is because they are compensating for lack of extra benefits that contract employees are eligible for.

Grow Network

This is the opportunity to network and meet new people. You never know who you might end up meeting who could be the lead to your dream job.

Easier to Find Job

It’s usually easier to find a job when you are already working. For many recruiters, the Holy Grail is the passive job seeker. So if you are working on a contract, most likely you are going to be targeted more by the recruiters.

Less Competition

Because contracting tends to be a less desirable option than working permanent full- time role, there is less competition in the market place for people who are looking for contract opportunities and with less competition, better your odds are for getting the interview and even getting the job.

There is no way that an employer can truly vet a job seeker effectively in any interview scenario, but temp- to-hire strategy gives you days and weeks to watch someone in action and truly see their skills and most importantly their work ethic.

Firms that adopt a temp-to-hire approach benefit from observing job candidates firsthand — and by hiring people who have gained a familiarity with your firm and its corporate culture. This approach to staffing provides a hands-on, realistic way of choosing a new employee with a lower risk of a hiring mistake.

Hence this is an effective way to get back potential candidates to work and save themselves from making expensive mistakes.

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How to Deal With a Toxic Work Environment

How to Deal With a Toxic Work Environment

A harmful work atmosphere is made once an employee feels afraid, threatened and uncomfortable in his or her workplace due to the offensive behavior, intimidation or abuse by a colleague or superior.

The ongoing distress of a work environment where the pervading attitude is overwhelmingly negative, the management is self-interested and incompetent, and bullying and cliques are rife, makes you more likely to experience depression. It can leave you physically and emotionally drained in your work and personal life. And all that stress and depression can take its toll on your body. If you are undergoing something similar then take a deep breath and continue reading.

Be kind to yourself

The impact of a toxic environment is far-reaching. Prolonged stress is unsustainable. It causes us to break down physically, mentally and emotionally; it destroys our self-esteem; our performance suffers, as do our personal and work relationships. One of the best ways to deal with this is to find the fun and happy folks in your workplace and align with them. Make sure you take care of yourself by eating right, getting enough sleep and exercising. Spend time outdoors and in creative endeavors with people who matter to you. Recharge and regroup. And put out feelers for other opportunities.

Address the issue directly with the offender

On your first encounter of offensive behavior from your colleague or supervisor, it’s always better to bring their attention to their behavior. Stop them before it gets worse.

Inform Management and Human Resources (HR)

When you have tried everything and there is no option left, other than approaching HR and Management, then make sure you have all evidence against the offender. Stay calm and address the issue to Management, and let management handle the matter in their manner instead of you asking to fireside the employee or take action against the offender.

Focus on the Facts, Not the Stories

It will get very easy to get wrapped up in all of the stories being told. It may be simple to create these stories. I encourage you to take a step back, breathe for a second, and focus on the facts. What is happening here and what is not happening? Don’t waste your energy making an attempt to theorize why or why not one thing did or did not happen. Focus on the facts, don’t create stories that explain something regarding you, and keep grounded actually.

Document Everything. Seriously, Everything

Even if your work environment is not specifically “toxic,” you must think about documenting everything. Documentation is not foolproof protection from domineering managers or coworkers determined to throw you below the bus for his or her own mistakes, however it offer some defense. It is always useful to keep a work diary for your growth, but it can come in handy in other ways too. This implies saving and organizing each email associated with projects you’re working on. Make sure you take notes in meetings and on phone calls, and never trusting somebody to recall and agree after you inform them of something they said or did.

Don’t forsake your job

Don’t quit the job due to the toxic environment unless you think the situation remains persistent and you are not satisfied by the action of management or if it is affecting the productivity of your work. It sounds easy to quit the job to cope with such a situation but usually, it is not, setting yourself from one company to another will draw ample energy and time.

You’re not obligated to remain in a harmful workplace, particularly if you’re the sole one doing something regarding it. Your dignity may be disgracefully mocked, but no one can ever take it unless you surrender it willingly.  It’s all about making right decisions and finding strength to defend your boundaries.

No one should have to deal with working in a toxic office, but thankfully there are ways around it by using a few of these tips.

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Motivating Different Generations in the Workplace

Motivating Different Generations in the Workplace

In today’s organization, it has been seen up to five generations working at one place at one time. And this provides a depth of experience, skill sets and energy, it also presents unique challenges. The generations have its own way of thinking, working and processing information. So it’s important to create a culture that meets the varying needs of each age group.

Let understand first, about the different generations, and what motivates each:

Baby Boomers: Born: 1946 – 1964

Baby Boomers are technologically talented, ambitious and more goal- oriented also motivated by promotions, professional development, a desire to be in a position of authority, and having their expertise valued being acknowledged. They prefer recognition from their peers rather than their supervisors, and they do prefer monetary rewards and value non monetary rewards such as flexible retirement planning. They do not require constant feed backs.

 Generation X: Born: 1965 – 1980

Generation X is smaller than the previous and succeeding generations, but they’re often credited for bringing work-life balance. This is because they saw firsthand how their hardworking parents became so burnout. Members of this generation are in their 30’s and 40’s had spent a lot of time alone as children. This created an entrepreneurial spirit with them. In fact, Gen X makes up the highest percentage of start-up founders at 55 percent.

They also value opportunities to grow and make choices, as well as having relationships with mentors. They believe that promotions should be based on competence and not by rank, age, or seniority. Gen X can be motivated by flexible schedules, benefits like telecommuting, recognition from the boss, and bonuses, stock, and gift cards as monetary rewards. Even if they’re not starting their own businesses, Gen X prefers to work independently with minimal supervision.

Generation Y (Millennia’s): Born: 1980 – 1995

Millennia’s (Generation Y) are tech-savvy generation and is currently the largest age group in the country. They’re in their 20’s and are beginning to come into their own in the workforce. They’re the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. This generation content with selling their skills to the highest bidder. That means unlike Boomers, they’re not as loyal. In most cases, they changes one organization to another. That’s doesn’t mean you can’t motivate this generation; you can motivate them by offering skills training, mentoring, feedback. Culture is also extremely important for Millennia’s. They want to work in an environment where they can collaborate with others. Flexible schedules, time off, and embracing the latest technology to communicate are important for Gen Y.

Generation Z: Born: 1996 Onwards

Generation Z  who born 1996 onwards are more interested in social rewards—mentor-ship and constant feedback—than money, but this generation also motivated by meaningful work and being given responsibility. They always keen to know how their work impacts the organization and their role in the organization’s big picture, they always seek for exciting projects which passionate them. They challenge businesses to think about their operational model. This also is the most tech-savvy of the generations. If Millennial’s [Generation Y] were multitaskers, then this group is multitaskers on steroids, and members typically are plugged into five devices at once.

In rewards they prefer include recognition from the boss, experiential rewards and badges such as those earned in gaming. This generation expects workplace flexibility and diversity. Preferred recognition style: regular in-person public praise.

We understood about the different generations, there types and what motivates each, now we let’s understand how to motivate each:-

  1. By eliminating stereotypes

The biggest reason professionals from different generations are, they don’t want to work together effectively because of preconceived notions about how a certain generation behaves. The Millennial feels that baby boomers are technologically impaired, inflexible and closed-minded, while baby boomers think that millennia’s are entitled and lack a strong work ethic. To eliminate the negative consequences of making assumptions about people’s behavior is to avoid doing it yourself. Being a leader, it’s important to eliminate stereotypes in the way you express yourself and in the way you treat your employees. Whereas, it’s important to evaluate each employee based on their own merit and be mindful of doing so. Too often we succumb to stereotypes without realizing it. So pay attention to the assumptions you’re making about each of your employees, and try eliminating these stereotypes.

  1. Avoid assuming everyone is on the same page.

When assigning team projects, don’t assume or avoid making general statements about the tasks assuming that everyone processes information the same way. Different generations might understand in different ways, leading to unnecessary clashes when they try to work together.

Before assigning tasks, review the instructions for the following:

  • Make sure that they are clear and specific.
  • Avoid trendy abbreviations or acronyms.
  • List a deadline by date and time.
  • Make sure everyone’s role is clearly defined and the point person on the project is identified and understands their role.
  • It may require some extra time and effort of yours, but when instructions and expectations are clear, your team will be able to work together more effectively regardless of their age.
  1. Prepare common ground/Make them agree on common goal.

To make your employees work together, make them to agree on common goal. If there is a motivational factor or goal that speaks to all of your employees, they are more likely to come together to achieve it, no matter how different their strengths or personality type is. That’s your job to determine what’s motivating factor could be.

Think about the following:

  • Does the project have a positive effect on society in general? For instance, do you want to implement a new process to reduce environmental waste?
  • Does this project help your clients of all age groups? Making out the benefits for older clients and new clients will avoid any inner feelings of favoritism.
  • Does this project address a common value important to all of your employees, such as family, personal fulfillment or communication?
  1. Find their strengths.

While eliminating stereotypes, it is true that every generation has its own skill set. And pairing teams or assigning projects make sure everyone is able to do something that they are good at. For example, if you are working on a new social media campaign, it may be helpful to team up a millennial who knows how to hash tag with a baby boomer who has more experience with client relationships. The baby boomer can provide insight on what clients respond while the millennial can help with phrasing for better social media exposure.

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Effective Ways to Spot A Bad Hire During An Interview

Effective Ways to Spot A Bad Hire During An Interview

How costly can a bad hire be? One hiring mistake might price up to 5 times the bad hire’s annual remuneration. Companies can’t afford hiring mistakes, which are pricey and can erode employee morale.

Hiring an employee is a very important decision. It’s a fragile choice because hiring the wrong person can be very costly and catastrophic. Many employers make the mistake of hiring a bad employee because their number one concern is filling a position. Instead, employers should focus on filling the position with the right employee. To avoid such mistakes one should lean to below suggestions to spot a nearly bad hire:

Unprepared for the interview

All candidates should go into an interview with basic knowledge about the company and its mission, a succinct summary of their professional experience, and a strong case about why you should hire them. If you raise them to inform you why they’re curious about the position and that they provide you with a blank stare or a generic response, they may not have taken the time to be told regarding the corporate.

Ask questions related to the job they’re applying for

This is a big mistake I see a plenty of hiring managers build. If the question does not relate to the position, or the candidates’ ability to try and do the duty, then it should not be asked. An interview is not the time to attempt to make a personal connection, the reason being this it tends to allow the candidate to control the interview, instead of the interviewer extracting the knowledge he or she must build an informed and objective call.

Trigger potentially toxic questions.

Question the person for the five things he/she liked least regarding his or her last company. Asking, for one thing, is pretty common. Catechizing for five pressures the person to reveal either strategic insights or signs of toxicity. The answers would tell a lot about their personality and can be used to picture cultural adaptability.

Short on details

Though the candidate shouldn’t ramble on about their previous roles and responsibilities, they should at least be able to give you a few details about their capabilities and skill level. If they can’t coherently (and succinctly) explain how their experience makes them a fit for your team and the company as a whole, then they may not have the confidence or ability to succeed in the role

Not owning up to their mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes during their careers; it’s just a fact of life. But where the red flag lies, is when a candidate doesn’t admit them or fails to turn the experience into a positive. For instance, if you ask them to explain a scenario when you’ve made a mistake and they either blame someone else or simply state the good parts, this isn’t an honest reflection on events. Ideally, a candidate should tell you how they rectified the problem and learned from it. If they waste time bashing their old employers, they won’t have any issues doing the same to you as well.

Lack of growth

Career growth is a huge factor for a lot of ambitious professionals. Try asking them:

“Why did you want to leave your previous role?”

“What lessons have you learned in your previous role(s)?”

“Where do you see yourself in five years?”

These interview questions will allow candidates an opportunity to tell you how ambitious they are, explain why career growth might have stagnated and whether they have the initiative to want to learn new skills moving forward.On the flip side, if a candidate comes across like they want to grow at an unrealistic rate which doesn’t suit the particular job role, this might be a cause for concern as they will probably become restless and leave early on.

Solutions to deal with a bad hire

The above points can help you avoid a bad hire but in case you couldn’t figure out one during the interview process you can fix/deal with it by following below steps:

Deal with the situation immediately, take immediate actions and don’t let it fester.

Determine if their deficiencies contradict what they said or claimed during the interview process, or what they showed on their resume.

Get specific and detailed feedback from co-workers and supervisors.

Determine if it is best to let them go, or their blunt edges can be sharpened with little efforts?

Be clear regarding your/their legal rights if you fire them.

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