Simple Ways To Identify The Best Candidates Just By Looking Into Resumes

Simple Ways To Identify The Best Candidates Just By Looking Into Resumes

As High talent doesn’t keep obtainable for long, drawn-out resume screening method will mean missing on the simplest candidate?

As a hiring manager, you know the drill – post a job ad, receive a flood of resumes, and then dedicate hours to sift through them all.

Thus, being able to properly review Best Candidates from resumes, while still giving every applicant fair consideration, enhances the efficiency of your recruitment process.

These 6 tips will help you stay focused and identify the Best Candidates from resumes:

1. Is the format of the resume strong and is everything spelled correctly — You’ve heard it before, but a well-organized, well-formatted resume is always a positive. Conversely, a resume that’s too hard to read or has typos in it is a transparent sign of lack of preparation and professionalism.

2. First impressions count – When resumes start to arrive, look for resumes that show attention to detail, accurate spelling and grammar and high-quality presentation. This can indicate a professional who takes pride in their work. Conversely, Best Candidates from resumes that seem hastily put together, or which lack polished presentation, suggest a candidate who delivers poor quality work.

3. Conduct productive interviews — Before you hand the candidate over to the hiring manager, you have got to urge them through a preliminary interview. To make the foremost of that meeting, keep the following pointers in mind:

  • Steer clear of prosaic questions: The “where do you see yourself” questions are not going to cut the mustard and seldom yield helpful results. Instead, rise the candidate what they’re trying to find in an employer. This will tell you their desires and whether they align thereupon of your company.
  • Skill-set questioning: Ask a prospective employee about their relevant skills for the position. This allows you to assess their strengths and level of readiness for the role at hand. Or, you’ll notice they need further skills that will build them rather more fascinating.
  • Give them space to ask questions: Candidates looking to settle down with the company will be inquisitive! This is an excellent issue as the result implies that they’re serious concerning the role and wish to format an important impact on the corporate. Offering transparency offers new staff a positive outlook on their organization from the beginning, thus altering the probabilities of turnover.

4. Is there a cultural fit? – The resume screening process can also be used to determine cultural fit. Consider how well a candidate’s achievements reflect the goals of your company. Have they demonstrated team spirit through engagement in corporate social responsibility activities? A candidate’s referees can even highlight the quality of their personal network, and provide an understanding of how well they will fit with your company culture.

5Real achievements in their work experienceThere’s a difference between someone who outlines their former job descriptions in their resume and someone who lists real achievements they accomplished in their role. While that’s an enormous positive on its own, two different queries raised, however spectacular, are those achievements. More the achievements matches the goals of the new position, higher are the chance that the candidate will excel in the job.

6. How often the candidate changes jobs — Whenever you hire someone, there’s a substantial investment in onboarding and training, and they often don’t get-up-to-speed until about three to six months into the role. So you would expect to hire someone who has a stable history of spending ample time at a company and hopefully will grow at yours, not somebody who consistently switches jobs within a year.

So in this blog, we learned about the best tips for implementing constructive resume screening practices. You can confidently screen resumes by using a designed and tailored approach. You can give each resume appropriate attention, without wasting your valuable time, and speed up the hiring process.

For more about Recruitment updates follow our Insights for more info Contact Pragna Solutions for your all RPO Recruiting and Offshore Recruiting Solutions.

6 Reasons Why Your Company Needs to Adopt Video Interview For Your Hiring Process

6 Reasons Why Your Company Needs to Adopt Video Interview For Your Hiring Process

Adopting Video Interview for Hiring

In today’s competitive Human resource market, recruiting the best candidates to your business is the key to success. With tighter budget and increased urgency, organizations are looking for more cost-effective and efficient ways to fill the job vacancies.

Being an HR manager in a company, they receive many CVs for various positions from number of channels like company website, recruitment agencies and online job portals. Sorting through all the CV’s and deciding who to call first for the interview is a lengthy and exhausting process. Their valuable time is wasted on scheduling, coordinating interview timings with the hiring managers and sitting through the entire interview even when, in the first couple of minutes, it is clear that the candidate is not suitable.

Hence, the HR managers clearly need a more time-efficient solution.

This can be achieved by Adopting Video Interview for Hiring process for the first screening of candidates.

Video interviewing is an online process that allows the interviewers/recruiters to invite candidates to record an online video interview. The interviews can be automated, spontaneous, customizable and recorded. This is the easy, efficient and effective way of interviewing.

Now, the HR manager can focus on the other responsibilities while the candidates record their video interviews at any time and anywhere they like.

This process is a lot more flexible for those working in a fast-paced environment which is constantly changing. This helps them in getting the information required by the candidate as fast as they can.

The HR can review the videos at any time and place. And also, share them with their Hiring Managers for the feedback.

By this, the HR can be assured that the candidates they decide to invite for the face to face interview will be well worth their time.

Below are the 6 exclusive benefits of adding of Video Interviews to your Recruiting Process;

  • Multimedia enriched experience – Engage with the candidates just like real life
  • Let the brand do the talking – Showcase your company as tech-savvy
  • Top talents dig flexibility – Interview on basis of candidate’s schedules
  • A moment in the spotlight – Let them shine
  • 360 degree review – Makes it easy for your team to weigh in
  • Reduce discrimination – Reduce bias and improve diversity.

Thus, video interviewing can help the HR or the recruiting team to deliver a time-significant and cost-saving as well as increase the speed and the quality of the Hire.

For more about Recruitment updates follow our Insights for more info Contact Pragna Solutions for your all RPO Recruiting and Offshore Recruiting Solutions.

Global Recruiting Trends to tune in 2019

Global Recruiting Trends to tune in 2019

2019 Global recruiting trends is a guide for implementing recruiting strategy. This will bring a new set of global recruiting trends that will impact the whole the recruiting process.

Impact of new recruiting RPO trends in 2019

In terms of recruitment trends, 2019 will bring a fresh set of Global recruiting trends that will impact your entire recruiting process. Are you ready to implement them, or you want to be the same old follower to be left behind?

We bring you the same top Global recruiting trends for 2019 that you need to start implementing ASAP, otherwise, you will end up being the loser in the war for talent before the year ends!

Recruitment using Technology

Technology has many salient features in itself, among which its collaborative nature and its preponderance to data-driven analysis. These two attributes find great favor with hiring managers and recruiters when it comes to finding the candidate with the best fit for a particular role or company, as well as employee retention. In recruitment, the impact of technology and the data it captures is becoming more pronounced in terms of enhancing the hiring process for both the candidates and the hiring teams. With captured data, it has opened up new possibilities for recruiters and hiring managers to reach candidates. The market has become largely candidate-driven, which means that recruiters and companies are working harder to attract top talent.

Start using digital assets to speed up the recruitment process.

The prevalence of technology has created higher levels of expectations from jobseekers who want a fast, straightforward application process. If you have noticed yet, talent acquisition has become more like a marketer’s game for HR and recruitment professionals. It attempts to build a strong employer brand and a fun corporate culture, and then actively promote them on social media and other online platforms.

With each day that hiring proves to be a drag, recruiters are more likely to lose the best candidates to other firms, while companies end up spending more of their resources than what is necessary.

To act against this, here are some ideas to help you accelerate the hiring process using a digitally-driven approach.

Conducting video or mobile interviews

The first-round of interview should be video or mobile interview, which offer flexible options for recruiters and job applicants alike since they help eliminate chances of delays in schedule and lengthy hours preparing for a face-to-face meet. According to researched data, it has been proven that more than 60 percent of companies are now using video interviews for their hiring.

Using ATS (An applicant tracking system)

An ATS is a great help for recruiters and employers to sort through thousands of applications submitted to them, and with more and more people on mobile and social platforms, you need your ATS to be capable of leveraging these channels. While leveraging your ATS, consider your organization’s needs; i.e. accessing your candidates’ social media profile on LinkedIn, for example.

Marketing recruitment

It’s the strategy based, on the implementation of marketing tactics in recruitment Industry. It is the process of nurturing and attracting talented individuals to the organization using marketing methods and tactics.

 Marketing recruitment is a discipline that has been introduced as a consequence of the current situation in the labor market. The main goal is to follow the latest trends in the market and offer solutions to the companies that best overcome these new challenges. Companies that adopt these new recruiting best practices will be more likely to attract talent. This is why Marketing recruitment will be at the sole top of the recruitment trends 2019.

Inbound Recruitment

 It is a strategy where you proactively and continually attract candidates with the goal to make them choose you as are their next employer. Your goal in inbound recruitment is to attract, convert and engage candidates.

 Lately, there has been a switch from outbound to inbound recruitment. Simply reaching out to the candidates and offering an open position is not the way to attract the talents anymore. If you are looking for a long-term solution to advance your recruitment process and hiring strategy, inbound recruitment is the trend you should adopt.

 Employer/Organization’s Marketing 

 Employer marketing is the term commonly used to describe an organization’s reputation and popularity as an employer, and its employee value proposition, as opposed to its more general corporate brand reputation and value proposition to customers. Employer marketing ideas are essential for building a strong and attractive employer brand.

From research, it has been proven that more than 75% of jobseekers research about a company’s reputation and employer brand before applying. Employers with a bad reputation not only struggle to attract candidates, but they also struggle to retain employees. This is why employer marketing is one of the top recruitment trends of 2019!

Candidate’s experience

It is current, past and potential future candidates’ overall perception of your company’s recruiting process. It is based on candidates’ feelings, behaviors, and attitudes they experience during the whole recruiting process, from sourcing and screening to interviewing, hiring and finally on-boarding.

Furthermore, it is important to focus on candidate experience in recruitment trend you should adopt in 2019

Because candidates who had a positive candidate experience in your recruiting process will more likely accept your job offer, reapply in future and refer others to your company.

On the flip side, a negative candidate experience can cost you more than a few candidates — it can even lose your company big bucks! The example of this case is Virgin Media, a company who calculated that a bad candidate experience costs them a shocking $5.4 million annually!

Candidate’s pools

Candidate’s pool refers to a place or database where recruiters and HR Managers keep all of their top job candidates. Candidate’s pool make not only candidates that have applied for jobs, but also sourced, referred candidates, silver medalists and candidates that have willingly joined your pool in an inbound way.

Imagine if every time you had a job opening, you had a pool of Candidates from which you can just pick the best one! Sounds great, right? This is the reason many recruiters have already adopted this recruitment trend and started building a high-quality candidate database for current and future needs.

For more about Recruitment updates follow our Insights for more info Contact Pragna Solutions for your all RPO Recruiting and Offshore Recruiting Solutions.

The Benefits of Third Party Agencies in Staffing/Recruitment

The Benefits of Third Party Agencies in Staffing/Recruitment

Benefits of Third Party Agencies

Have you ever considered the time, risk, and expense of recruiting yourself? Here you can find what are the Benefits of Third Party Agencies in Staffing and Recruitment.

A recruitment agency can lead you to opportunities you had never considered before and can help bring calmness to the craziness that the job searching process brings along.

Here are some of the benefits of working with a third-party recruitment agency

1. Focus on Your Core Business

The time spent on recruiting staff distracts from your business activities. This time could be better spent on securing sales or liaising with customers.

2. Focus on Your Existing Staff

Although new staff are necessary when the need arises, the time it takes to do yourself may be better spent on up skilling your current staff to ensure you retain them.

3. Access to Large Pool of candidates

Agencies have database of hundreds or thousands of candidates. Often, these jobseekers are passive and may not be actively looking for a new role but will consider one if it is presented to   them by their recruitment consultant. Specialist agencies in your field will have a large pool of candidates that suit your vacant position.

4. Screening and Interviewing

Because it is their profession and they do it all day, every day, recruitment consultants are experts in screening and interviewing candidates. You may not be as well-trained as them in this.

5. Low Risk

No-placement, no-fee. Recruitment agencies will headhunt and advertise on their job boards on your behalf, all before charging you anything. The fee is only incurred when a successful placement is made. We also operate a sliding-scale refund system for up to 12 weeks after an employee starts.

6. Specialist Recruiters

If the role you are trying to fill is highly specialized, blanket advertising may not yield results. Specialist agencies will be able to determine a better fit between candidate and employer, as they interact with these type of people all the time.

7. Cost-effective

When you add up labor hours spent and opportunity cost, using an agency is more cost-effective than undertaking your own recruitment, especially for small businesses.

8. Confidentiality

By advertising yourself, you give competitors insight into your company and lose your competitive edge. Recruitment agencies keep client identity undisclosed during the initial recruitment process.

9. Industry Knowledge

Recruitment agencies can be valuable sources of market trends, salary information and industry facts. We like to keep our clients informed via website, social media and newsletters.

10. Speed and Efficiency

Because recruitment is all they do, agencies will act quickly and thoroughly on their positions. The consultants have a real passion for their job, so will do the best possible job in the fastest possible time.

Ultimately, working with a recruitment agency can expedite your job search and do so for free.

You tap into the experience of a professional and get a second set of eyes helping you find the best candidates that matches what you are looking for.

At Pragna, we provide the tools that recruiting and staffing agencies need to provide a great candidate experience while providing efficient and accurate placements for their clients. Get in contact with our team today to learn more about our customized recruiting solutions.