Diversity Wins: Building Inclusive Recruitment Strategies in 2024

Diversity Wins: Building Inclusive Recruitment Strategies in 2024


In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, building a diverse and inclusive workforce isn’t just an ethical imperative – it’s a key driver of business success. Companies that embrace diversity and inclusion (D&I) foster innovation, attract top talent, and create a sense of belonging that boosts performance. Yet, while many organizations recognize the significance of D&I, implementing effective strategies remains a challenge. Let’s explore key practices to build a truly inclusive Recruitment Strategies in 2024.

1. Start with Self-Examination: Uncovering Unconscious Bias

Before reaching outwards, it’s crucial to look inwards. Unconscious biases exist within us all and can unknowingly influence hiring decisions. Key steps:

  • Bias Training: Offer workshops on recognizing and mitigating bias for everyone involved in the hiring process. This includes recruiters, hiring managers, and interviewers.
  • Blind Resume Review: Initially remove names, gender markers, and other potentially identifying information from resumes to focus on skills and qualifications.
2. Widen Your Reach: Sourcing Diverse Talent Recruitment Strategies in 2024

Traditional job boards and networks often reach the same limited talent pools. To find a wider array of qualified candidates, consider these strategies:

  • Partner with Diversity-Focused Organizations: Build relationships with professional groups, universities, and job boards specializing in underrepresented communities.
  • Inclusive Job Postings: Use gender-neutral language, avoid jargon, and highlight your company’s D&I commitment in the job description.
  • Employee Referrals with Incentives: Encourage and reward employees who bring in diverse referrals. Offer bonuses or other incentives to boost participation.
3. The Gig Economy: Embracing Freelance Talent

The rise of the gig economy offers a unique opportunity to tap into a diverse pool of freelance talent. Platforms specifically connect skilled freelancers from underrepresented backgrounds with employers. These services can be a valuable tool in your D&I recruitment toolbox.

4. Embrace the Power of Technology & Outsourcing

Tech and external partners like RPO providers offer valuable tools and resources to foster inclusion:

  • AI-Powered Sourcing: Utilize AI tools designed to reduce bias in candidate searches, broadening your search criteria beyond traditional factors. Be cautious, however, as AI algorithms can introduce new forms of bias if not thoughtfully implemented.
  • RPO for D&I Success: RPO providers often have expertise in diversity sourcing and can offer a fresh perspective while streamlining hiring tasks, allowing your internal team to focus on inclusivity within the process.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Track metrics like the diversity of your candidate pool, interview stages, and hiring outcomes to pinpoint areas for improvement. Data is your ally in tracking progress and identifying potential bottlenecks.
5. Inclusive Interviews: Make Every Candidate Feel Valued

The interview process is pivotal for both assessing candidates and showcasing your company culture.

  • Structured Interviews: Use the same questions for all candidates, focusing on skills and experiences, minimizing the chance for subjective opinions.
  • Diverse Interview Panels: Ensure interviewer diversity in terms of race, gender, background, and thought processes. This provides a welcoming environment and gives candidates a sense of potential belonging.
  • Accommodation & Accessibility: Offer accommodations for disabilities, and ensure your interview process is accessible in both physical and virtual settings.
6. Beyond Hiring: Build a Culture of Belonging

Recruitment is just the beginning. Retention of a diverse workforce requires an ongoing commitment to inclusion.

  • Mentorship & Sponsorship: Foster development and career paths for employees from underrepresented groups. Sponsorship actively champions these employees, opening doors for advancement.
  • Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): Support employee-led groups based on shared identities or interests, providing spaces for community, networking, and advocacy.
  • Open Feedback Channels: Regularly solicit feedback to understand employee experiences and address concerns. Utilize surveys and anonymous suggestion channels to encourage honest participation.
The Pragna Solutions Advantage

At Pragna Solutions, we understand the changing recruitment landscape and are passionate about helping you achieve a diverse and inclusive workplace. Our RPO and offshore recruiting services prioritize finding top talent from diverse backgrounds to strengthen your team. We offer tailored solutions, including:

  • Diversity sourcing strategies
  • Bias reduction training
  • Data-driven D&I metrics tracking

Building a diverse workforce isn’t about hitting quotas – it’s about creating a company where everyone can thrive. By taking conscious steps to address bias, widen your search, optimize your processes, and cultivate a genuinely inclusive environment, you’ll attract talent that brings a rich array of perspectives and experiences. Let’s work together to build a workplace where diversity truly wins

Contact Pragna Solutions today to learn how we can partner with you to achieve your D&I recruitment goals.

Best 5 Practices for Digital Recruitment in the Present Workforce

Best 5 Practices for Digital Recruitment in the Present Workforce

Digital Recruitment

Utilizing technology to find, attract, evaluate, choose, and recruit candidates for open positions is known as “Digital Recruitment” The only option for businesses to stay on track with their hiring and overall business goals is to implement more digital hiring methods, especially in light of the current health crisis. 

It can be necessary to use tools that many firms have never used previously, such as career portals, mobile recruiting, online tests, social recruiting, and digital interviews.

Although the change may seem intimidating, the future of digital hiring is already here, so we’ve put together some essential advice to help you launch and improve your digital hiring process. 


1. Social Media Recruiting


Professionals spend a significant portion of their lives online in this digital (and now remote!) working environment. Your company can reach applicants by being visible on the appropriate digital platforms, where they are already spending a lot of time.

You can attract a sizable number of candidates that you would not otherwise be able to by using social media networks for the recruitment like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. As opposed to cold calling or emailing, interacting on these platforms might feel more natural and aid your staff in building relationships in less stressful situations.

For long-term cohesiveness and relevance, the best methods include sending potential candidates direct messages on Facebook, tweeting links to available positions using relevant hashtags, and producing shareable video material for YouTube or Instagram that showcases your company’s mission and culture in an easily digestible way. 

At the very least, you’ll use these social channels to better understand applicants’ interests and backgrounds in order to tweak messaging to increase engagement and personalization if you want to keep reaching out to them on more conventional platforms.


2. Mobile-Friendly Careers Site


In a recent Glassdoor study, it was shown that 89% of the 1,000 jobseekers used their mobile devices at some point in the job search process. Because so many job searchers conduct their searches in this manner, companies must ensure that their websites are mobile-friendly in order to swiftly attract all interested individuals. 

Having it configured so that pages do not require excessive panning or scrolling in order to get the information important to the application implies much more than simply being able to view it on mobile devices. 

To increase completion rates, even small details like making the “Apply” button stand out from the background and making the needed fields clear to read can make a big difference. If you have any graphics or photos at the top or bottom of the page, think about removing them because longer pages will just turn away candidates. 


3. Digital Interviewing


Instead of speaking live, candidates who participate in digital interviews—not to be confused with 2-way online interviews—record their answers to a set of preset questions for the hiring team to analyze later. 

Digital interviews are not just one of the few interview options when working remotely, but they are also generally the most effective and impartial option. For instance, by employing this method of interviewing, firms can, for instance, acquire the following three crucial benefits:

 Efficiency: The back-and-forth scheduling of the interview and the necessity for many live phone screens by recruiters are both eliminated by the digital interview. The time it takes to hire a candidate will be shortened because recruiters can observe and assess more interviews on their own schedule. Our interview platform requires minimal configuration and has a 90% completion rate across our global clients.

Flexibility: Considering the spread of infectious diseases and travel restrictions, candidates can complete the digital interview procedure from the comfort of their own homes. Our digital interview platform is one-way, so candidates may record their responses on their own time and in their own space, and recruiters can examine and assess them whenever it is most convenient for them. Candidates can choose to hide their camera and timer while they are recording, practice using our system as often as they like, and re-record each response once if necessary.

Standardization: In a typical interview, discussions with candidates can go in any direction, and the whole experience is mostly influenced by the interviewer. With our digital interview, however, recruiters may videotape themselves asking the questions in advance, assuring fairness and rigor throughout the process. This way, all candidates are given the same set of questions in exactly the same way. By linking each question with a capability and its behavioral anchors that are pertinent to the business or role, metrics further reduces bias when recruiters evaluate prospects.


4. Give Feedback!


Most jobseekers nowadays are familiar with the phrase “resume black hole,” which describes the depressing and unsettling chasm into which applications frequently sink, presumably never to be seen again. 

After submitting an application, up to 50% of candidates never hear anything back. It might be difficult to keep from taking this personally and getting quite frustrated. As more candidates turn to the internet to air their complaints, this could eventually damage your company’s brand. Additionally, keep in mind that your applicants are probably also your customers because their experiences with your business directly affect how they perceive your brand.

Feedback can come in a variety of sizes and shapes, but it is always an important part of the hiring process, and there are plenty of digital tools out there that make it simple. Something is always preferable to nothing, even if it’s just a brief email confirming that an application has been received and is being reviewed or updating the applicant that the application process has slowed, and they should expect a response in some amount of time.

While it may not always be possible to provide every candidate with individual feedback after they finish a digital assessment or interview, there are solutions like Plyometrics that can automate feedback in a highly tailored fashion.

Candidates receive a report called the Plyometrics Profile that details their characteristics. The report aims to maximize openness, present actionable and workplace-applicable insights, and give the user an overview of what we learned about them during our assessment. The fact that it offers users a special, helpful, and educational experience makes it stand out from the competition and serves as a major point of engagement for them.


5. Ask for Feedback!


Since the digital world is always changing and is unfamiliar to all of us, it is crucial to get open input from job seekers on how the application process might be made more positive. This can be done by offering quick, optional surveys (5 questions maximum) at various stages of the process to increase completion rates, especially if they come after the applicant has been turned down for the position. 


Be sure to underline how much you value their input and that you will examine it carefully moving forward. Once you have comments and ideas to examine, discover the major themes and consider how you may gradually improve your plan. Remember that even seemingly small changes to the candidate’s experience can have a huge and positive impact! 




These are just some of the crucial things you can implement to have a strong digital recruitment strategy. Making sure your organization has a solid structure in place is essential to your employment process as digital recruitment tactics proliferate among the workforce after the epidemic. Pragna Solutions has been upskilling the teams to follow best practices and to help candidates to have great experience through the process. 

How to Maximize employee Productivity In the office Workplace

How to Maximize employee Productivity In the office Workplace

A day comprises 24 hours, so making the most of your time is crucial. Maximizing your productivity at work isn’t like climbing Mount Everest; all it requires is being more conscious about how well you manage your time. There are basically two ways to make the most out of your day, one is either putting in more hours and the other is planning your day better and working smarter.

The state of peak performance is highly desirable. That combination of intense focus and effortless power is very rarely achieved even among highly focused people. The peak performance or flow state is not only in high demand in the sports field but also in our digitally powered workspaces, and for good reason. Flow helps in staying motivated and engaged, resulting in better performance and even happiness.


How to Maximize Employee Productivity In the office Workplace


 1. Set Interconnected Goals

According to a study, the key prerequisite to achieving flow is setting realistic goals. Astonishingly, far too many people are not aware of its importance of it. Hence, they don’t set work-related goals. But when we set realistic expectations or goals at work, we tend to focus better on our tasks.

Yet setting and achieving goals will just lead to a single flow experience sometimes, but our ultimate objective should be in achieving consistent flow, which can also be termed as a “unified flow experience.” To achieve this consistent flow, all our goals must be connected in such a way that the interdependencies between them are clear. And goals that are complex should be divided into smaller ones by stating objectives and their key results (OKRs) that are interconnected to one another and tracked over time.

2. Find Intrinsic Motivation in Work

The research study says external motivation isn’t enough to increase flow. Instead, intrinsic motivation drives the flow. Consider workplace or even in athletics, intrinsic motivation is often best powered by passion. When you engross yourself in work that you’re passionate about, success is more likely to follow. Leaders need to recognize this and prioritize fuelling their employee’s passion over other extrinsic rewards like promotions or bonuses.

3. Minimize Interruptions

One of the key steps to maximizing your productivity at work is taking control of your tasks. Interruptions are the biggest reason to lose this necessary feeling of control. Often, the interruptions that are the biggest reason for focus and productivity loss are unwanted meetings. All organizations can benefit greatly by doing a timely meeting audit and understanding the inevitable meeting bloat systematically. This could also help you add or remove a few things, or completely rebuild your meeting culture from the ground up.

4. Prioritize Mental Health

Flow or productivity is intimately linked to mental health. Happy and optimistic people are often more productive. The possibility of achieving and maintaining flow is increased when we prioritize mental health.

Over the last few years and also at the start of the Covid pandemic, organizations have made positive adaptations from mental health being considered a taboo to it being considered an important topic of discussion. But there’s still scope for improvement– mental health should not be considered the sole responsibility of employees only. It should be given equal importance by managers, too. Managers should be well-equipped with all the training and tools needed to help empower and support their employees. This measure will definitely help them take control of their mental health and build the right mental foundation for achieving flow.


Productivity or flow is defined by effortlessness, but this doesn’t mean that it can be achieved with minimal effort. Bringing small changes to your habits will exceptionally improve your office efficiency. This will help you to finish more quality work in a shorter span of time, and also limit the amount of time and energy spent on doing unnecessary tasks. By making the conscious efforts mentioned above, you can achieve that state of peak flow that is the zenith of success and also well-being.

For more blogs, Do visit Pragna Solutions

6 mandatory ways to Improve your Diversity Recruitment strategy.

6 mandatory ways to Improve your Diversity Recruitment strategy.

Diversity recruiting is actively seeking out job candidates World Health Organization square measure from numerous backgrounds. Taking steps to make sure talent acquisition processes square measure additional comprehensive, and removing barriers that forestall all candidates from having civil rights throughout the hiring method. 

In relevance to the men, the term ‘diversity’ was once a code word for ‘people of color’, or those of African yank, Asian, or Hispanic descent. For the sake of inclusion, an additional fashionable attack the thought of diversity has been adopted to encompass different teams like ladies, military veterans, and people from the LGBTQIA+ community.

A few of the Recruitment strategies associated with Talent acquisition are explained below:

1. Assess and analyze the victimization information:

Firstly, it’s vital to possess a comprehensive understanding of your business, its long growth prospects, average monthly or yearly hiring load, past turnover trends, etc. to perceive periods of high or low demand. With plenty of knowledge out there at their fingertips, recruiters are a unit investing massive knowledge analytics to assess and analyze problems related to high turnover rates and therefore the doable solutions to those problems.

With a higher understanding of the problems and their solutions, recruiters’ area units are able to create more practical hiring selections than area units backed by knowledge.

2. Artificial intelligent shortlisting

Artificial Intelligent shortlisting software system lives within your ATS and uses your resume info to find out about existing employees’ expertise, skills, and different criteria. The shortlisting software system then objectively and systematically applies these criteria across all candidates. This reduces issues associated with unconscious biases and accidental discrimination.     

 Artificial intelligent shortlisting will increase geographical point diversity by substitution the foremost tedious and long a part of recruitment strategy: manual shortlisting.                      

3. Expand stretch ways 

To find higher talent, you will need to expand your sourcing ways. Totally {different, completely different} talent sets need different ways of stretching. You will find your best marketers in a very completely different place than your best programmers, thus you’ll be wanting to diversify your sourcing approach.   

Rather than disbursal all of your time on LinkedIn, think about different specialized job boards, educational programs, or networking events wherever you may notice a particular cluster of gifted professionals.                                                                                  

4. Build multiplicity into your candidate screening and assessment method     

Look at ways to get rid of bias in your candidate screening and assessment method to confirm fairness and equity for all candidates. AI technology like on-line text-based assessments will support diversity within the achievement method by eliminating bias at the first stages of the method.                

 5. Encourage internal diversity.

Many industries are dominated by men, resulting in girls feeling underrepresented inside the company’s culture. Whereas the amount of girls within the men has accumulated considerably over the previous couple of decades.   

 Men still hold most positions of power. There’s conjointly a racial inequality in company America, once 60 minutes departments produce internal coalitions to rally morale, it will increase diversity and inclusion efforts from within the men to make a various and comprehensive culture. Your company has to provide a voice to folks from a large variety of backgrounds

6. Ask for Candidate Feedback

Even when giving your tired talent acquisition designing, there’s continuously one thing that has to improve. The most effective application is to understand wherever the loopholes within the hiring method are by soliciting for feedback from the candidates. Gather their expertise with the corporate in a very written type. The feedback type ought to embrace every side of recruiting.

The aggregate provides you direction wherever there’s a scarcity within the whole method. And, the problem that needs a lot of attention from your finish.                                                                                      


Crafting a talent acquisition Recruitment strategy is imperative to the success of your business and to confirm that accomplishment as a method is conducted not just on a necessity basis but as a part of the Recruitment strategy.     

We at Pragna Solutions have been very inclusive by having a Global workforce and helping clients with Diversity and Inclusion hires. We follow what E-preach, and about 40% of our internal hires are diverse.



6 Important Strategies For global workforce solutions

6 Important Strategies For global workforce solutions

As recent advancements in technology have created remote work more doable than ever before, several organizations have begun cultivating the manpower of staff living in locations across the world. Whereas managing worldwide manpower may be a difficult task, their square measure key actions you’ll be able to go for improving your strategy as a frontrunner. In this article, we tend to define some factors to recollect once managing worldwide manpower and list six tips for doing so effectively.

International workforces comprise staff from a range of geographic locales that take totally different cultural norms in terms of work conduct, productivity expectations, and management designs. Countries around the globe have different employment regulations relating to factors like hiring processes, benefits, break days, and holidays. 

6 tips for Managing Global Workforce solutions

While managing worldwide manpower may be a major enterprise, there square measure a couple of actions you’ll be able to go for becoming a more practical leader for workers with varied cultural and skilled desires. Here square measure seven tips to contemplate so as to optimize your international manpower management strategy:

1. Attempt to bear in mind cultural variations in work conduct

When hiring and managing staff from totally different countries, cultural variations square measure is inevitable. These cultural variations might not have a massive impact on employees’ talents to perform their roles or turn out high-quality work. Even so, cultural variations typically lead to staff subscribing to variable communication patterns and divergent views of applicable work rules. Therefore, as a manager, attempt to bear in mind those variations thus you’ll be able to successfully have kind respectful relationships together with your staff.

2. Accommodate employees’ various spiritual desires

With worldwide manpower comes spiritual diversity and managers should accommodate employees’ variable desires regarding observance, holidays, codification, and alternative accommodations. You will provide special issues for workers. The World Health Organization needs accommodations and makes work policies that mirror your flexibility in terms of religion-related leave or prayer breaks whereas at work. Accommodating these varied desires will assist you higher go with equity rules and foster a work culture of respect for cultural, ethnic, and spiritual diversity.

3. Heighten cultural awareness through coaching initiatives

Domestic and international staff alike will take pleasure in undergoing cultural awareness coaching. Therefore, as a manager, you’ll be able to style ‘initiative double-geared toward serving to staff perceive problems’ with cultural sensitivity and the way to be respectful of 1 another’s variations. Once staff has heightened awareness of worldwide cultural factors, they will build stronger skilled relationships and work along with additional effects.

4. Provide staff English as a second language (ESL) tools

To overcome language barriers in exceedingly international work, it may be useful for you to supply ESL tools—like a direct translation package or immersive language training—to staff at the World Health Organization to speak alternative languages. With these tools, the World Health Organization needs to be told that English will do this, which can provide them with more practical communication methods and enhanced opportunities for thriving collaboration. Additionally, to provide ESL tools, managers may also take the initiative to be told the staff’s native languages to speak to employees despite things.

5. Perceive of international employment rules

As mentioned, different countries have their own employment rules relating to things like worker hiring, benefits, sick leave, vacation time, and holidays. Therefore, it is vital for managers of worldwide staff to achieve an understanding of labor laws within the varied countries in which their staff resides. It’s going to even be useful to rent an advisor from the World Health Organization and collect all pertinent data and catalog it for your future reference. With a correct understanding of this data, managers will guarantee their legal compliance with such rules.

6. Use digital tools to your advantage

When managing worldwide manpower, it is common for several of your staff to figure remotely in their home countries to maximize these employees’ productivity. Attempt to use digital tools that may provide platforms for efficient collaboration, communication, productivity pursuit, and team building. These tools will assist you to produce an additional strong work culture and make sure that your staff has the resources they have to perform their roles as effectively as possible.


Global workforce comprises a lot of challenges. We at Pragna Solutions understand the challenges faced while managing the Global Workforce and provide sustainable assistance to Global Enforcement. Take a look at our website and review our latest articles and subscribe to our blogs.

This article has provided you with some key actions you’ll be able to go for when managing worldwide manpower. It has also provided you with some tips for managing a global workforce.


Are Remote Jobs and Remote Recruiting going to be Permanent post-Covid19?

Are Remote Jobs and Remote Recruiting going to be Permanent post-Covid19?

Nothing could have prepared your staffing firm for 2020, but happily, that isn’t the case as we head into the second half of 2022. Bullhorn polled hundreds of staffing professionals before the start of 2020 and again during the COVID-19 crisis to learn about the industry’s outlooks, objectives, problems, and staffing patterns. Are your goals and difficulties in line with those of your colleagues? Are there any areas where you can set yourself apart from the competition, or where you need to improve?

Here are some personnel trends to consider for 2022 as you make decisions regarding your company’s future:

Professionals in the field of staffing and recruiting are hopeful about the future.

Staffing firms had a difficult year in 2020, with layoffs and business closures, but respondents are generally hopeful about 2022. In the Survey, the majority of respondents predicted that the economy and business performance will improve in the second half of 2020.

While the staffing industry as a whole has struggled throughout the pandemic, a full 30% of respondents stated company performance has increased or remained the same since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis compared to Q2 of 2019.

Even when you take into account that many businesses have weathered the storm, there is no correlation between current business performance and future forecasts. For example, respondents at staffing firms that saw their performance improve and those that suffered a decline of more than 30% agreed on when the economy would revive – slightly more than half predicted it will happen in the last six months of 2020.

The bottom line is that employment firms are expecting big things in 2022, so don’t expect competition to ease up anytime soon. Invest intelligently to provide the finest possible experience to applicants and clients; your competitors will undoubtedly do likewise.

Clients are the most important thing to us.

The employment market has always been about relationships, but this year the emphasis has switched on which partnerships firms value. Candidate acquisition was a top priority in 2020, as it was in 2019 and 2018. This was mostly (but not entirely) due to talent scarcity, which is the ultimate difficulty for staffing agencies.

However, since the unemployment rate bounced from record lows to record highs throughout COVID-19, a talent shortage is no longer the issue it was at the start of the year. Instead, as businesses battle to acquire new clients and retain existing clients in a changing market, client relationships (the number-two goal coming into 2020) are now firmly the top priority for organizations.

That isn’t to argue that candidates aren’t important. Since the COVID-19 crisis, firms’ second-most essential priority has remained enhancing candidate engagement and experience, ahead of other important priorities such as managing cash flow. Finally, in this environment and any other, focusing on connections is still a winning business strategy.

DEI is a business requirement.

The staffing business, like the rest of the workforce, has always experienced issues relating to DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and 2022 will be no different. According to one Data survey, only 28% of companies have a person of color in any leadership position (and of those, only 5 percent are women of color). Furthermore, although accounting for nearly double the number of workforce practitioners, only 16 percent of all leaders in the business are persons of color (30 percent).

In 2020 and 2021, one thing that has changed is the global attention on inequality and inequity. As a result, staffing and recruiting firms are taking steps to address the industry’s DEI concerns. One thing to remember is that adopting DEI into the workplace is not only the correct thing to do; it is also good for business. Two-thirds of staffing experts believe that diverse companies are more effective than their homo logs.

Work from home is here to stay.

Many agencies functioned remotely before COVID-19, but it wasn’t common practice in the industry. The epidemic, of course, requires distant recruiting and the use of remote recruiting technology: since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, 91% of staffing professionals have adopted (or increased their use of) video interviewing or video conferencing solutions.

However, don’t expect remote employment or technology to disappear once the epidemic is no longer a requirement. Most staffing professionals, on the other hand, believe that the surge in remote jobs and remote recruiting will be permanent after COVID-19. Most of the positions we used to recruit for were office-based, but that is no longer the case. Even those in charge of large teams work from home.

COVID-19 could hasten the introduction of automation and artificial intelligence, particularly in work environments where people are in close contact.

Businesses have traditionally regulated costs and reduced uncertainty during recessions by embracing automation and revamping work processes, both of which diminish the share of positions comprising primarily regular tasks. By June 2020, China’s robots production had surpassed pre-pandemic levels.

To minimize workplace density and cope with surges in demand, many organizations implemented automation and AI in warehouses, grocery shops, call centers, and manufacturing plants. The association between high scores on physical proximity and automation use cases is a common feature of these automation use cases, and our research suggests that work environments with high levels of human engagement are likely to see the fastest adoption of automation and AI.

The mix of jobs may vary, with low-wage occupations seeing limited growth.

COVID-19-accelerated trends may result in more changes in the mix of jobs within economies than we anticipated before the pandemic.

We discovered that following the pandemic, a significantly different mix of jobs may develop in each of the eight economies. We predict the pandemic to have the most negative impact on workers in food service and customer sales and service roles, as well as less-skilled office support roles, compared to our pre-COVID-19 estimates. Although the expansion of e-commerce and the delivery economy may result in more jobs in warehousing and transportation, these gains are unlikely to compensate for the loss of many low-wage positions.

For example, in the United States, customer service and food service occupations may decline by 4.3 million, but transportation jobs may increase by over 800,000. Healthcare and STEM vocations may see higher demand than before the pandemic, reflecting increased concern to health as populations age and incomes rise, as well as growing demand for professionals who can invent, implement, and maintain new technology.

Productivity vs. Remote Work

10,000 employees polled by the University of Chicago’s Becker Friedman Institute for Economics stated they were equally productive working from home as they were in the office.

In fact, 30 percent of those polled said that working from home made them more productive and engaged.

From the middle of March to the middle of September 2020, the same survey team determined that commute time was decreased by 62.4 million hours per day, resulting in a total time savings of over 9 billion hours.


Before the pandemic, net employment losses were concentrated in middle-wage manufacturing and some office work, owing to automation, while low- and high-wage jobs grew. Almost all low-wage people who lost their jobs could shift into other low-wage jobs, such as retail or home healthcare. We now expect that practically all growth in labor demand will occur in high-wage jobs, due to the pandemic’s impact on low-wage jobs. To avoid job loss, Low-wage workers are expected to transition to higher-wage jobs that can only be acquired with different skills.

Pragna solutions has been an active recruiter before and amidst different stages of the pandemic. There has been subsequent increase of remote job post since 2019. In fact, most companies are promising permanent remote recruiting jobs. Therefore, it won’t be wrong to infer that remote job is the irreversible reality that will exist even after the pandemic ceases. Similarly, remote recruiting has adapted to the transformation. Pragna solution provides AI enabled recruitment solution so that our clients can harness the power of job board even if it is for remote jobs.