How Staffing Firms Can Benefit from the rise in M&A Activity 

How Staffing Firms Can Benefit from the rise in M&A Activity 


Through a pandemic’s peak, the staffing business has shown that it is more robust. Most businesses were able to scale down, make use of their resources, and then grow up again as necessary, depending on demand. A deliberate strategy using higher-scale labor on a contingency basis has replaced our industry’s past market-driven and low-skilled labor practices, making it more scalable and investable from a private equity standpoint. The epidemic has forced all of us to improve our skills and pay attention to fresh approaches to talent engagement. 

For people involved in business, merging firms or buying another company can have a variety of advantages. Some of the benefits relate to how the company may engage with and service its clients, while others boost worker productivity. The following are a few benefits of mergers and acquisitions:


Benefits of M&A activity  


Economies of scale and scope 

The ultimate goal of a merger and acquisition is typically to realize financial benefits and economies of scale. This is made possible when the two businesses involved in the merger and acquisition are stronger, more productive, and more efficient together than they are separately.

Realizing financial advantages and economies of scale is frequently the final aim of a merger and acquisition. When the two companies engaged in the merger and acquisition are stronger, more productive, and more efficient as a whole than they are separately, this makes sense. Businesses merge to achieve advantages, including improved market negotiating power, more access to financing, higher production volume yielding reduced costs, and more.

One benefit of mergers and acquisitions is the economy of scope, which is the decrease in recruiting expenses as a result of the extra resources and tools available. The economy of scope, which refers to the reduction in production costs of one product as a result of the production of another related product, is one advantage of mergers and acquisitions. It often emerges that manufacturing several goods is more practical and cost-effective than manufacturing only one or a few. Often, economies of scope can be achieved through mergers and acquisitions that may be unachievable through organic expansion.



Access to new talent, resources and markets

Talent acquisition is one of the most important concerns for companies who want to rule the employment sector. The employee market is aware that top talent gravitates toward reputable businesses.

The combined financial resources of all firms engaged in a merger or acquisition raise the new company’s total financial capability. There could be new investment opportunities available, or the business might be able to reach a bigger audience thanks to increased marketing spending or inventory capacity.

Businesses operating in the same industry may occasionally be able to increase access to suppliers, raw materials, and physical resources through acquisition. For instance, a company could buy out or combine with one of its suppliers to enhance manufacturing processes and ensure access to essential supplies.

Even for seasoned companies, entering a new market may be difficult. A merger or acquisition may save businesses a substantial amount of time, effort, and money in comparison to beginning from scratch, even if opening a subsidiary or branch is always a possibility.

This is particularly true for companies that are prepared to enter a foreign geographic market. International markets may be extremely challenging to get into. Therefore, it is more practical for the majority of businesses to combine with or purchase an existing local company that already has a solid clientele.



Diversification of risk through portfolio divergence

Another benefit of M&A is the potential to increase the variety of products and services. The key to the distinction between a successful company and one that is having trouble is diversification. In comparison to other companies operating in the same product line, it offers the parent firm an edge.

Businesses could simply add new products to their present line-up for the benefit of their customers. Acquisitions for diversification frequently take place when a business seeks to boost shareholder confidence and thinks completing an acquisition might help the stock price rise or support profit growth.

M&As give firms the opportunity to spread risk across a variety of revenue streams by broadening the company’s offerings in terms of both current and future potential. If one source of money proves insufficient to fund operations, the business still has a variety of backup income sources, geographic location, industry, and staff diversity. It gives any staffing company resilience during ups and downs and aids in value and expansion.



More financial resources and tax benefits

The combined financial resources of all firms engaged in an M&A raise the new company’s total financial capability. The business might be able to reach a bigger audience thanks to increased marketing spending or inventory capacity. This will also help with some tax relaxations as well, depending on the company.

Acquisitions may result in tax advantages for the parent organization when the target firms are in an industry or nation with a favorable tax structure. An excellent illustration of this is the trend of US pharmaceutical companies to merge with smaller Irish companies and relocate there in order to benefit from Ireland’s lower tax rates.

The company’s geographic reach might be increased by a merger or acquisition, improving its capacity for greater distribution of goods and services.

Some countries provide tax breaks to businesses that engage in M&A transactions. Parent firms might receive significant tax advantages by starting a business in Singapore or joining forces with an existing business there.

Tax advantages, such as carryover of tax losses, may be provided. If one of the merging firms experienced net losses in the past, the other company might have deducted those losses from its earnings. As a result, the united company gains a lot. However, this form of agreement is advantageous only when the purchasing company’s financial projections point to potential strong operational profits.




Acquisitions and mergers have clear advantages. Staffing companies must implement the appropriate mergers and acquisitions strategy in order to preserve the positive benefits of any acquisition or merger effort. There is a natural tendency to keep things quiet, yet that somehow undervalues people’s intelligence. Be able to express clearly what is occurring. Communicate with your workers and encourage them to give everything a chance. This is true for a variety of business-related areas, including organizational structure, brand development, and customary guidelines for dealing with applicants and clients that have similar interests. Launching and carrying out a merging project is a lot easier after leaders have come to an agreement on how to tackle these problems. To capture synergies, achieve profitable growth, and value the transaction, a successful post-merger integration is essential.


Is RPO a Good Fit for Placement Agencies?

Is RPO a Good Fit for Placement Agencies?

What do you do first if you need to quickly bolster your team with additional talent? While some businesses have welcomed the potential offered by recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) teams, others have become used to dealing with staffing or recruiting agencies.

How do you choose which approach best suits your needs? Here is a guide to the advantages of each and how to choose if a recruiting agency or RPO is the best option for your company.

A new RPO team is much like new hiring that you make yourself. They will learn about your business strategy, culture, and requirements. They will devote a significant amount of time to identifying your present skill shortages and assisting you in developing a strategy to close them. At some point, they will be knowledgeable about all phases of your employment process, including employer branding, recruitment marketing, interviewing, and onboarding.

In essence, they can assist you with every step of your end-to-end recruitment. These recruiters continue to work with your team even after a hire has been completed, assisting you in evaluating the full candidate experience (from sourcing to hiring) and suggesting improvements for the future. Here are some significant points to consider why placement agencies use RPO.


Candidate experience


Employers and potential employees do not communicate well. RPOs add a human touch to the recruitment process and help bridge the employer-candidate communication gap.


A lack of communication exists between a potential employer and employees. During the hiring process, candidates are kept in the dark, and there is a lot of confusion regarding what needs to be done and when to wait. An RPO improves communication between the company and the applicants and gives the entire process a personal touch.


Any questions the applicant may have are answered, and they are kept continuously informed of the hiring process. This is due to the fact that all applicants must have a favorable experience throughout the application process, regardless of whether they are hired. If the applicant had a good experience, they could recommend the business to their friends; if not, they might damage the company’s image.




The cost of hiring a new employee for the same position is around four to six months. Hiring through Human Resources can cost 60-70% less than hiring through an RPO provider.


The expense of hiring new reps is enormous. According to an overview, it costs around four to a half years of a representative’s salary to hire a rehired person for a comparable role. Costs for everything from business agreements to meetings and preparation put a burden on the organization’s limited resources. Hiring an RPO provider may considerably reduce the amount of money spent on the hiring process.


According to an estimate, hiring through an RPO provider can be 60–70% less expensive than hiring through the human resources department while also freeing up the department’s resources so they may be able to work on other projects. The RPO provider allocates a significant amount of money and time for the firm by using a streamlined-out strategy and planning that increases the efficacy of the recruitment system.


Efficiency and Productivity


Recruiting and the needs of a company have changed a lot over time. These new requirements have required recruitment outsourcing providers to update their expertise, technology, and methodology to stay competitive.

Over time, a lot has changed in terms of a company’s demands, those of its employees, and the hiring procedure. To meet these new demands and stay competitive, recruitment process outsourcing providers have upgraded their knowledge, technology, and approach.


A company’s human resources department typically has a lot going on, and the staff members there are occasionally overworked. By selecting an RPO service, the HR department may concentrate on its other duties by removing the burden of hiring new personnel from its plate. Because the provider has expertise in the recruiting process and is aware of the ideal solution for a firm, it also improves the effectiveness of the entire recruitment process.


Over time, there have been major changes in the requirements of a business, its employees, and the recruitment process. The ability, creativity, and system of Enrolment Process Outsourcing Providers have been updated in order to stay abreast of these new requirements and maintain control of the game. People working in the human resources department often feel quite worn out because they have so much to do.

By selecting an RPO provider, the HR office is freed from the burden of finding new employees, allowing them to concentrate on their various responsibilities. Additionally, because the supplier is familiar with the hiring process and is aware of the best solution for a company, it improves the overall hiring process competency.


Service approach


Businesses are developing quickly, and RPO vendors may have a wide range of hiring services, innovations, processes, and workforces.


Some RPOs will improve an organization’s current hiring practices and collaborate with its current employees. An organization is recommended to speak with RPOs to clear up any questions, double-check their services, and come to a firm decision on which RPO provider might handle their hiring difficulties.


Setting up an RPO agency and monitoring its operations are only the beginning of an organization’s responsibilities. A corporation must take part in the hiring process and provide the necessary support.


A time estimate is also necessary for an organization’s relationship with any supplier, especially at the start of execution. The firm and agency are given a lot of time to come to a common understanding.




If you need to hire someone, you should first determine if it is for a temporary or permanent position. An RPO service provider is more appropriate for your needs if you’re seeking for a good, long-term employee. An RPO service is also a better option if you want to exert some control over the recruiting, hiring, and interviewing processes.


A staffing agency may be the perfect solution if you simply want a temporary employee and don’t want to establish a long-term engagement with one that understands your company’s culture. Although it’s conceivable for businesses to use both choices at some point in the past, it’s recommended to avoid doing so concurrently. For instance, in order to get the most out of an RPO, they must play a significant role in each and every recruiting choice you make.


Why Biotech, Pharma, Medical Companies interested in RPO

Why Biotech, Pharma, Medical Companies interested in RPO

Companies in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries might benefit from recruitment process outsourcing by getting access to a wide range of sourcing strategies and a vast network. Passive, diversified, experienced, and just-graduated talent are all represented among the candidates. RPO solutions allow you to foresee the long-term hiring process and may be used for your whole business, a particular division, or a significant project.

The industries that rely on recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) services the most are those that deal with medicine, biotechnology, and medical devices. 

Numerous firms offer assistance throughout the whole hiring process, from posting jobs to assisting candidates with first-day preparation, expediting the procedure, and assisting recruiters in the cutthroat pharma employment market.

Therefore, why have companies in the biotech, pharmaceutical, and medical device industries chosen RPO as their preferred hiring solution? The following are some of the most compelling justifications for collaborating with an RPO provider to solve your talent challenges.


Choosing the RPO That’s best for your Pharmaceutical, Biotech, and Medical device companies



Greater agility, scalability, technology, and automation


Many pharmaceutical and biotech companies are dealing with a more complex recruitment environment, and see the need to transform their recruitment practices to be competitive.

RPO offers smart technological solutions that guarantee recruiters will identify, attract, and choose the best applicants more quickly while remaining one step ahead of the competition. Organizations have access to a dizzying number of options, such as candidate relationship management (CRM) and application tracking systems (ATS), Pre-hire evaluations, chatbots, AI sourcing, management (CRM) technology, and more.

Others may be forced to use old technologies that lack the speed, efficiency, scalability, and flexibility of a contemporary recruiting tech stack due to financial restrictions or difficulties in creating a business case to support the investment. Many organizations have invested a lot of money in the newest technology, but they are having trouble making the greatest use of it. Simply put, the majority of talent acquisition companies lack the bandwidth necessary to remain ahead of the competition and take full advantage of all available opportunities.

For instance, when demand for COVID-19 vaccines was at an all-time high, companies in the pharmaceutical industry had to communicate with hundreds of applicants quickly to meet an increase in production needs.

Whether your company has to hire many engineers, manufacturing experts, or R&D specialists, a well-designed RPO program may help you find the people you need, when you need them. By collaborating with your RPO provider, you may have access to a system that is very flexible, very effective, and completely customized to match your recruitment objectives.

Digital landscape and Better Candidate experience


Big data, technology, and new alliances are altering old recruiting strategies and changing the kinds of people that pharma businesses have traditionally sought after. Now, top talent might come from outside sectors like financial services, technology, or consumer electronics that have already undergone a digital transition. It will be difficult to convince them to switch from these sectors to pharma.

The procedure and candidate experience must be flexible and individual. When using contractor recruiters and an already overworked internal workforce, this is not a simple task. On the other side, an RPO service may assist in retaining candidates and integrating them into the company. This may significantly lessen the burden on organizations and improve the experience so that prospects are less inclined to abandon the application process.


Using global sourcing in advance


The necessity to create talent pools and communities is essential in order to decrease the time to employ and guarantee the availability of talent for the future due to the global nature of pharma talent and the worldwide mobility of such individuals. According to a recent Price water house Coopers (PwC) poll, 76% of pharmaceutical CEOs are concerned about the availability of vital talents.

For these organizations, talent pooling is crucial because it gives them a method to stay in touch with individuals who could someday work for the company. As their primary emphasis and objectives are filling open positions, internal teams are finding it more and more challenging to expand, invest, and build talent pools.

Improved hiring metrics


Similar to how they have been for many other firms, recruiting and talent acquisition have been exceedingly challenging for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries during this current labor shortage.

Recent financial challenges in pharmaceutical research, development, and commercialization have compelled stakeholders to reassess their fundamental patterns of functioning. As a result of the challenges, they are looking for alternative models to reduce fixed costs and increase productivity in all functional areas that are not seen to be essential to the business.

If your business is seeking a tried-and-true solution to the pervasive talent problem, it’s time to pay RPO substantial attention. It’s critical to collaborate with firms that can reduce ratios like the time it takes to fill a position and conduct an interview to select an RPO provider.

The company will gain from having a team of recruiters that are conversant with the jargon of Pharma, Biotech, and Medical device companies if you choose the correct RPO partner. Some RPO companies even offer applicant pools that have already gone through screening and may be interested in possibilities with your business, further improving the hiring process and allowing you to hire more personnel faster.


Positive candidate experience


The procedure and candidate experience must be flexible and individual. When using contractor recruiters and an already overworked internal workforce, this is not a simple task. On the other side, an RPO service may assist in retaining candidates and integrating them into the company. This may significantly lessen the burden on organizations and improve the experience to the point where applicants are less inclined to withdraw from the application process.

Managing, developing, and training in-house teams


It is getting harder for pharmaceutical companies to find recruiters with the necessary expertise. As a result, many recruiting contractors are used, and the turnover rate within the talent acquisition team is high. Because there are no career routes established for smaller regions, managing teams that are geographically spread makes it more expensive to use resources.

This may then result in higher compensation increases and attrition issues. In-house teams are unable to provide recruiters with the career advancement, growth, and mobility that RPO organizations provide.



It is impossible to overlook the advantages of a well-designed outsourcing program for the recruitment process. These companies may connect with competent individuals to improve their operations and add value to their company with the use of an RPO solution that is specifically designed for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device sectors. If finding qualified candidates in this competitive job market has proven to be difficult for your business, working with an RPO provider may be the answer to your problems. Pragna Solutions has been a leading provider of RPO Solutions for over a decade and helped many global firms to scale and grow. 

Does Digital Transformation in the Recruitment Industry will help recruiters in 2022

Does Digital Transformation in the Recruitment Industry will help recruiters in 2022

The onset of the pandemic has led to a sudden economic slowdown, followed by a recession, lay off, and drastic impact on almost every industry. As most companies shifted to remote working, the recruitment industry had to adopt specific changes to ensure seamless high volume talent acquisition.

Previously, most recruitment processes included days to months for the selection of the right candidate. Owing to the cut-throat competition in talent acquisition, most businesses require to speed up their recruitment through the digital transformation of the process.

What is Digital Transformation?

In the recruitment industry, most recruiters had to spend their maximum time sending mail to potential candidates, cold calling, conducting telephonic and face-to-face interviews, and screening the talent pool for the best candidate for the job. As the pandemic outbroke, the digital transformation in recruitment took a more rapid pace.

Digital Transformation in recruitment involves the use of technology and data solutions for the automation of mailing to the target pool, screening of applications on specific parameters, and speeding up the recruitment cycle as a whole. Moreover, the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recruitment has increased operation efficiency by eliminating human errors.

Impact of Digital Transformation in Recruitment

Digital transformation of recruitment has led to competitive advantages to the businesses such as employee retention, greater employee satisfaction rate, and many more. Here are some of the advantages that any business can enjoy if they adopt digital transformation in recruitment.

  • Better Hiring Rate

The automation of tasks like tracking applicants and scheduling interviews speeds up the daily process for your recruiting manager saving time and organizing every detail to his convenience. Therefore, your recruiting manager can efficiently conduct high-volume quality hires in a shorter period exhibiting a better hiring rate.  Innovation and lateral thinking are something you invest in when you opt for quality hires.

  • Quick Analysis

Advanced technology and Artificial intelligence can minimize a hiring manager’s manual hours into just a few minutes by sourcing relevant candidates by screening more than a thousand applications and CVs that match the job. Digital transformation plays an essential role in saving time by gathering and analyzing data on improved metrics to provide a more accurate, error-free, and efficient analysis. Therefore, it reduces the cost per hire and helps the recruiter identify skill gaps to recruit accordingly.

  • Improved image as Employer Brand

Most job seekers check out information about the employer before attending an interview. Therefore, every employer must create an employee-friendly image in social media to attract the top tier talents. As hiring managers are adopting digital transformation, building a public image of their organization is of utmost importance. Recruiters have the responsibility to create engagement through the social media accounts of the company. Moreover, they can use AI to engage potential candidates through email marketing. 

  • Boost to Operation Efficiency

Due to the pandemic, the introduction of virtual interviews along with candidate assessment, has become a common thing. Digital transformation has made the candidate assessment easier for the recruiters. The recruiters can use several digital tools to filter out suitable candidates, shortlist them, and finally assess their abilities through required metrics. In this way, the recruitment process is conducted in a shorter time with better efficiency. 

  • Edge for tapping top tier talents

According to a study, 78% of employers believe using an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) makes finding great talent easier than ever. There are several statistics where recruiters have vouched for better results in recruitment by using recruitment technology.

Moreover, it has been noticed that digital transformation has led to better candidate experience as well as reduced employee turnover. The use of technology not only helps the recruiter to tap top tier talents faster than mainstream sourcing but also offers a larger talent pool through social media job advertising.

The Bottom Line

While most companies are adopting the digital transformation, few companies have stepped back, stating financial budget as their primary constraint. However, if we look into the gains of digital adaptation in recruitment, the financial budget may not become a problem owing to the greater good in the near future. Every change faces some resistance at first.

Digital transformation in recruitment is no exception. However, the positive impact of digital transformation in the business has the upper hand. Evidently, it tends to be a major threat to those who want to stick to their old techniques in recruitment.

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5 important recruitment skills in 2022

5 important recruitment skills in 2022

5 important recruitment skills in 2022




A great recruiter could be a valuable asset to companies in all told industries. However, so as to become a recruiter, you would like to own a selected set of recruitment skills, besides a powerful will to figure.

Here are the foremost common styles of recruiters, the foremost desirable recruitment skills, and the way to boost them to extend your value to employers and candidates.

Every organization seeks to look for qualified candidates to fill positions.

Recruiters play important roles in the hiring process. With well-developed recruitment skills, you’ll identify and screen the best candidates for positions. In this blog, we define five important recruitment skills, provide examples, and discuss some ways to boost and showcase your recruitment skills.  

Functional IT and data analytics prowess

In this century, IT skills aren’t longer a necessity for IT roles only. While recruiters don’t have to be tech wizards, having a working knowledge of functional IT skills — particularly of recruitment software tools — will help them do their job better.

This involves having the ability to use the answer properly for handling applicants and managing the hiring process. In addition, recruiters should be able to identify patterns on the platform and accordingly take action to support those patterns.

For instance, the information might show them that a selected market has the very best number of talented applicants, but having IT skills allows them to determine other aspects of that market on the platform — like the value of reaching them or the variety of the applicant pool.

Periodically, every company will want to understand how the recruitment process goes and what hiring trends are like for the past quarter or year.

Recruiters have to be able to tabulate and demonstrate these trends and insights on what the new hires are doing, what the task market is looking like, and any potential hiring needs that they see turning out.

This also includes reporting on their own performance and finding ways to boost it, like by decreasing the time-to-hire or altering interview formats for better results.

Solid relationship-building skills

The recruiter is usually the primary person with whom a candidate has contact. the simplest recruiters use this chance to ascertain a relationship with prospective hires.

This helps the candidates feel seen and heard as individuals, not just names on a listing, and provides them a taste of what it’s like to work at the corporate — which may often be a determining factor about whether or not they like it better to work there.

More importantly, recruiters stand between the corporate and therefore the candidate, and they are selling the work to the candidate. This needs excellent persuasion skills to demonstrate the various benefits of engaging at the corporate and therefore the growth path the candidate can enjoy.

Particularly if the candidate is among the highest talents in their field, recruiters have to be able to sell the task convincingly enough. At the same time, it’s vital to not set unrealistic expectations, or the candidate will have no reason to remain on.

Recruiters must, therefore, provide a transparent and accurate picture so the candidate can make an informed decision. At the same time, it’s for no reason that the old saying goes, ‘speech is silver,’ but silence is golden.

It is imperative that recruiters listen actively and empathetically to what candidates, coworkers, and managers are telling them about job expectations, working conditions, interpersonal relationships, and the ambitions of candidates.

This will help them build better relationships with the candidates and make way more informed choices about the hiring process and whom to select.

Good communication skills

In a market that’s learning, good candidates are hard to attract and an outsized part of their decision-making process goes to be supported by how they were treated during the hiring process. 

Studies have shown that clear and unambiguous communication throughout the hiring process by the recruiter means, even if a candidate doesn’t get the work they maintain a positive experience of the company.

The candidate experience begins even before a person has applied for employment and so the TalentBoard research suggests that candidates want to know more about the company, its culture, and the worker experience. Recruiters must convey these things with good communication since it is one of the most important factors for employee engagement also.

The details of the task itself and more details on what’s expected of the candidates on a usual.

As recruiters fail to communicate well with candidates, as well as with the emergence of anonymous review sites like Glassdoor, it is becoming riskier to ignore applicants for fear of damaging your employer’s brand. 

Time Management

A recruiter’s day is spent juggling applicants, candidates, hiring managers, e-mails, phone screens, intake meetings, queries, and reports—making effective time management a critical skill to remain above water.

Talent acquisition is a rush of thousands of seemingly important things competing for your attention. Recruiters keep juggling such a lot of moving parts, the multiple ongoing projects, the surprises that pop, and also the tactical maneuvering needed just to stay pace.

But it can make it hard to stay track of the method, which could doom a recruiter to being perpetually in catch-up mode, missing deadlines, and failing to complete tasks.

Candidates may lose interest or pursue other options if the hiring process is too slow. In contrast, if the hiring process moves too quickly, a candidate will not be ready to accept a suggestion and might even turn it down because they feel compelled to make a decision right away.

As an HR person, you need to make a to-do list every day which may be very useful when it involves fulfilling short-term goals while keeping track of your time. together with this, you want to also specialize in long-run goals.

You must also project weekly, monthly, and yearly plans so you recognize before about the work you’d prefer to complete. This will not only preserve it slowly but also facilitate the adjustment of your work when and however required resulting in better performance from your side.

Recruitment marketing

Marketing to recruits is just as important as marketing to customers for an organization’s growth.

You would have top talent queuing up around the block if you spent maximum time marketing to candidates as you do to purchasers.

Investing some time, energy, and budget in showcasing the most effective of your organization, your company culture, and what causes you to be inherently unique, will allow you to draw in candidates, even when your talent pool is shallow. Pragna Solutions has been upskilling its team on the onslaught of new technologies and trends. This has helped us immensely to get higher results for its customers. 

Having the ability to plug your roles to the correct people and retain them, are key to navigating a good marketplace.

Recruiters need Recruitment Marketing because the old way of transactional recruiting simply doesn’t work anymore. Today’s candidates discover and consider recruiters the identical way consumers find products, hotels, and restaurants. 

Through searching online, following social media, and reading reviews, candidates can become tuned in to an employer and its career opportunities. What they study about a company’s mission and culture can influence a candidate’s decision to use it for employment and accept a proposal for employment, or form a negative perception and become a brand detractor.


Hiring great candidates begins with the recruiter. As a result of their role, they are crucial to the sourcing, recruiting, and selection of candidates, as well as facilitating the hiring process. Their skills and experience in implementing several different methodologies and strategies are necessary to achieve this. 

The most effective way to improve the hiring process is sharpening recruitment skills with a progressive process to help you uncover candidates’ real and quantifiable skill levels. 

Recruiters with better skill levels who can produce good candidates intake are highly valuable assets to the companies. Therefore it is important to every recruiter to upskill themselves periodically with trending skill sets.


5 Frequently Asked Questions about Recruitment Process Outsourcing companies

5 Frequently Asked Questions about Recruitment Process Outsourcing companies

RPO could be a functional model where an organization delegates the management of the recruitment operations (in whole or partially) to a third party expert to drive cost, quality, efficiency, service, and scalability benefits.

 An RPO provider acts as an in-house recruiter for a business, providing efficiency and suppleness within the recruitment process. It relieves HR professionals and employers of administrative burdens and delivers a consistent, involving personal attention experience for job candidates. Here are a few frequently asked questions about RPO companies. 

How does RPO work?


Strategic workforce Planning 

RPO companies use talent analytics to determine the talent supply and demand in the same way as market compensation by department, role, and geography. RPO companies collaborate with your organization to develop a workforce plan and strategy to foresee future manpower or workforce trends, if required.


Deep sourcing expertise becomes an important component of your recruitment strategy since most of the recent jobs are found through networking. RPO providers develop targeted sourcing strategies to handle the needs of specific industries or functions, including recruitment marketing, talent pooling, screening/assessment, predictive analytics, and talent advisory solutions like employer branding, talent analytics, and recruitment messaging.


Thorough screening, including skill assessments, behavioral and personality evaluations, and interviews, creates a pool of candidates that may be an honest fit both for the position and for your company. Screening for cultural fit is additionally a very important part of this process, ensuring that clients receive only candidates who will fit well within the company’s culture.

Recruiting & Offer Management

RPO firms have expertise in recruiting both passive and active candidates to seek out the most effective person for the task. The provider acts as your brand ambassador, promoting a uniform brand message, scheduling interviews, handling salary negotiations, and maintaining tight internal control.


The company remains responsible to the client and provides regular analysis of recruiting metrics like cost per hire, time to fill, retention rates, productivity, recruiting process conversion rates, and more.

Is RPO suitable for both seasonal and temporary recruiting assistance?


Yes, RPO provides help with seasonal or temporary recruitment requirements. This situation is more frequently faced by organizations, and RPOs have an approach that centralizes all the hiring, whether it’s for permanent or temporary employees. 

RPO provides the flexibility of no headcount commitments and it is one of the many benefits they offer. 

RPOs allow companies and businesses of all categories and sizes to have the benefit of expertise and recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) without the limitations on distinct time or resources, which is suitable for short term requirements and helps you to achieve your recruitment goals comfortably.

Is RPO suitable for small companies?


Yes, recruiting process outsourcing is suitable for small and Medium Business. The major hiring challenge for smaller businesses is often their employment brand’s ability to draw in good candidates. 

Bigger organizations generally have a marketing potential that advances and markets their consumer and employment brand. Smaller businesses have the drawback of not being acknowledged within the marketplace or “not being distinguished as an employer of choice.” Their brand will be clear internally, but they may have trouble communicating it externally.

A RPO partner can help them identify what their brand is and communicate that brand within the job marketplace. Let’s admit the fact that recruiting today could be a selling function.

Furthermore, unlike staffing agencies, RPOs market through the brands of their customers to build awareness, increase employment, and increase market presence. Small businesses are also inclined to have less process diligence and consistency in recruiting.

A good RPO partner will bring the diversified employment brand strategy that smaller businesses generally don’t have.

Is RPO cost effective and time saving?


Since RPO providers concentrate on HR, they’re constantly up to date with the changes in strategies, policies, and technologies that help in boosting the HR departments of various industries. This specialization makes outsourcing a cost-efficient strategy. 

Another contributing factor to why you need to opt to outsource your recruitment process is the amount of money you’ll save on salaries. Partnering with an RPO to handle your HR paperwork and administrative duties. gets the duty done even as well for fewer than half the value the companies usually spend on their recruitment.

Recruitment, training, and advertising costs are also a number of the expenses involved when hiring. These require those that are visiting to perform specific functions, and their salaries need to be paid. But unnecessary expenses like employing excess staff within the HR team may be avoided by partnering with an RPO provider.

The cost of software will be high, and administrative duties like paying benefits and distributing payrolls are time-consuming. But by outsourcing these functions and responsibilities, you save an abundant amount of time and money.

The longer an organization may suffer a loss, the longer a job position remains vacant. The company’s performance is put in danger. According to Glassdoor Economic Research, on an average, the hiring process within the USA takes 23 days. Some organizations tend to have extended processes and take longer time. It was reported that 54% of companies have not acquired a certified candidate because their hiring process took too long.

Time saved may be accustomed to improving the standard of products and services your company provides, which successively can cause greater customer satisfaction. It can cause an issue and end in higher revenue.

RPO - Recruitment Process Outsourcing

What are the benefits of outsourcing your recruitment?


Streamlined Recruitment Efforts

An RPO provider allows organizations to reduce their recruitment efforts and makes the process easier. RPO firms provide a regular methodology for recruiting. a feature that’s applied uniformly across the organization, a feature that’s especially important for businesses with multiple locations or entities. 

A streamlined approach to recruiting also eliminates confusion by keeping candidates, hiring managers, and executives well informed throughout the whole hiring process.

A Broader & more practical Talent Search

An RPO provider has access to a vast network of applicants and recruiters across multiple industries and regions. What’s more, they even have the tools to research candidates beyond just their resumes and analyze and assess personalities, skill sets, and other qualities. When narrowing down the pool of applicants, RPO solutions provide hiring managers with a more complete candidate profile.

Companies can change or expand their recruitment services at any time when outsourcing recruitment efforts. This could be largely important for businesses that require them to outstretch or build up their recruitment efforts during a certain time of season or year (like during the winter break or over the summer season). Recruitment process outsourcing provides the type of flexibility these employers have to scale their recruiting efforts to keep pace with their demand.

Reduced Recruiting Costs

Outsourcing recruitment also has the obvious benefit of reducing costs, just like outsourcing other business processes. Executing an RPO solution significantly lowers a business’s cost-per-hire. The time and money that companies want to spend on recruiting (conducting background checks and other pre-employment screenings, including attending job fairs, advertising open positions, and other recruiting trends) can alternatively be redirected to other revenue-generating activities.

RPO companies


For over a decade, Pragna has been an industry leader in RPO while engaging its stakeholders, customers, and employees with paramount integrity, efficiency, and passion about offering compliant and elite talent solutions. We have been pioneers in offering best in class solutions to businesses across the world. 

Pragna offers recruiting and prospecting from small, medium, and large firms serving many of the world’s leading companies. Discover advanced, innovative talent strategies and processes that allow you to stay focused on your core business.

We are competitively agile and highly adaptive to fulfill our consumer demands. Our professional team is innovative, goal-centric, and steadfast in carving a distinct segment within the sales and marketing management services.