We often come across a statement, “The hiring manager doesn’t have to sell the job to candidates. It’s the candidate’s job to sell him- or herself to the hiring manager”.

In the 21st Century, if you go by this statement, then that means your hiring engine is designed to attract people with enough low self-esteem that they don’t need to be sold. They’re desperate. They’ll take anything. You’ve got an open position? Great. I want the job. I don’t need to know anything about your company. Likewise, I just want to get hired!

But if you wish to recruit top candidates, you have to be on top of your game too. Just imagine you are sitting in an interview room with the job description in front of you, and your usual line of questioning. Then a smart, well-presented candidate walks in, and hits you with a question: “What happened to the last person in the role? What’s a typical day in this office?”

Good candidates know that hiring is a two-way process. Particularly in this market, with unemployment rates near historic lows, it’s tougher than ever to win a candidate’s attention and get them to apply to your positions as they have a lot of options. Interviewers have to be prepared to sell the job and the company just as much as candidates have to sell themselves.

Below are the best ways to make your company attractive to exceptional candidates and selling your employment opportunity to them during the interview:

  • Social Media Tricks– It is important to post jobs on social media platforms but this doesn’t mean you do it in the most boring way. Instead of uploading a dull and boring list of job description, post a video or photo of someone actually doing the work. When a candidate sees the work being performed, it’s easy for him to imagine himself in the role.
  • Make each Job Irresistible– When you post jobs, promote the upsides of your opportunity. Think like a candidate, in addition to earning a competitive wage, what else would attract you towards this job? Few things which are just as important as money:
  1. Exceptional benefits
  2. Challenging work
  3. Opportunities for learning and advancement
  4. Convenient location
  5. Flexible work options
  6. Early or frequent performance / salary reviews
  7. Mentoring opportunities
  • Improve Communication- Take great care of candidates and be proactive at every step of sourcing and recruiting process. Ensure it’s convenient and quick for candidates to submit an inquiry or apply to a job – especially from mobile devices. Keep them informed about timelines and next steps, from the moment they upload a resume or respond to the job posting. If you tend to remove a candidate from consideration, inform them as soon as possible. Being “left hanging” is a chief complaint among jobseekers – and may drive them to post negative reviews on sites like Glassdoor.
  • Be Friendly, Organized and Prepared- Hiring Manager is the only link between the company and the candidate, everything they know about the job they know from you, so put on your best smile and sell the job. An excited interviewer will transfer their passion to the candidate. Make sure you have studied the candidate’s resume and cover letter in detail to understand their motivations for putting themselves forward for the role. Try to show that just as they have been researching your company, you have spent as much time researching them, and the companies they have worked for.
  • The Position- This makes the most sense but talking just about the job description can be monotonous and boring. If this is a top candidate, he/she already meets the criteria.  Instead, make it compelling.
  • The Company’s Potential for Growth- Take them through the company’s journey from incubation and share the vision of the company’s potential for achieving growth within the marketplace.  Top candidates want to be part of an achiever, so show them how your company already is a winner and will continue to be in the future.
  • The Company’s Culture- Every company has its own work culture, and not every candidate fits or feels comfortable working in the same. This point is often overlooked, but doing so can be a serious mistake.  The candidate wants to know how they fit into the company’s culture.  You must be able to communicate that to them.
  • The Position’s Potential for Growth- Top level candidates are always curious to know more, so go beyond the position in its current form and discusses what growth potential the position offers and explain how the position ties into the company’s plans for the future.
  • The Candidate’s Potential for Growth- The whole process is about the candidate, they want to know how making the leap to a new company is going to benefit them, especially in regard to the growth and overall well-being of their career. A-level candidates thrive on vision, so share that vision with them.

So pull up your socks and get inspired with the tips discussed above, sell your jobs and get the best candidates on boarded.

Pragna Solutions is always been in fore front of technological development. Helped several clients about our innovative methods of Recruiting using AI and scalable models. Contact us to learn more.

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